Tuesday 2 October 2018

Dominant Ideologies + Hegemony


An ideology is a system of ideas, values and beliefs held by an individual or larger group or society. Some values/beliefs are agreed as 'bad'- these may be dominated by groups such as the government, or the church. 
Dominant ideologies are ideologies that are dominant within society, reinforced by the media. Some may be good, such as "murder is bad", but some can be negative such as "being gay is wrong". Often negative values and ideologies are very personal or shared among smaller groups.

Examples of  key terms for dominant ideologies:
  • Patriarchy- a society dominated by men (eg. in most management positions, roles within government etc.) - Women are shown in more submissive roles in the media or are demonized/punished if in dominant roles.
  • Otherness- the idea that anything which is not 'white dominated' is 'other' by comparison.
  • Colonial attitude of white supremacy- judging other cultures by our own standards
Christianity is still influencing many dominant ideologies and other faiths are judged against it- Islamaphobia has become a problem. Alternative sexualities are either demonized or trivialized- Gay females are eroticized whilst gay men are demonized or seen as 'entertainers'.
“an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.”

A society based upon aspirations to better oneself by ownership/possessions.

Hegemony- theory developed by Antonio Gramsci. Claims that society unconsciously accepts the norm and this is reinforced through cultural output.  Dominant ideologies become reinforced and alternative ideologies become marginalized.

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