Sunday 9 December 2018

Conventions of the horror genre and movie poster design

Horror is undoubtedly the most easily recognisable genre when it comes to pre-release material such as posters. It is very established when it comes to iconography and conventions-skulls, blood and mysterious figures are staples of the genre.

For my poster I tried to create a haunting, ghostly feel to the image through editing. I layered the portrait photo, one with different opacity and one with an unnerving difference effect, which implies a ghost or haunting. The background and foreground are also heavily darkened to show the dark tone of the film

As many horror titles and taglines have double meanings, mine are plays on words- I wanted to convey the idea of a murdered wife coming back to life for revenge, with the title coming from "Til death do we part", and "buried" implying a metaphorical and literal burial, both of secrets and of a body. I also put emphasis on her ring through contrast hinting to a marriage or engagement.

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